You’ve heard us say how easy it is to use ArtResin epoxy resin.
And it IS easy … but it’s not foolproof :)
Every now and again, you might find soft, sticky areas in your resin application that don’t seem to be curing properly, or the entire thing still feels "tacky" after a few days .....
Why is my epoxy resin still sticky? And what can I do about it?
Well, the first thing to know is that epoxy resin comes in 2 parts:
a resin and a hardener.
When these two parts are mixed according to directions, a chemical reaction occurs which causes the liquid mixture to catalyze.
If this chemical reaction is somehow prevented or disrupted, a perfect cure is no longer possible, and the result is a sticky mess!
Learn how to correctly measure & mix epoxy resin
Common reasons epoxy resin might not cure properly:
1. Not Measuring Accurately
Some people think that adding more hardener will make the cure harder, or cause it to cure faster. Unfortunately, deviating from the 1:1 mixing ratio does the exact opposite!
ArtResin is a 1:1 mixing ratio and ensuring this delicate balance is imperative. If the parts are not equal, the resin will not catalyze properly and will remain uncured and sticky.
2. Under Mixing
Once you've ensured your mixing ratio is accurate and equal, it's important to mix
both parts together thoroughly. Again, if any material cannot catalyze properly by
any means, including not being blended well enough, it will not be able to cure
fully. Mixing vigorously for three to four solid minutes, scraping the sides and
bottom of the container, should ensure everything can thoroughly catalyze.
3. Dirty or Wet Utensils
Water and Resin are not friends :(
Even the tiniest drop of water or other contaminant can cause a host of problems, including cloudiness, bubbles and an improper cure. Ensure your measuring cups, mixing cups, stirring spatulas and spreaders are all completely clean and dry for best results!
Learn our favorite 2 methods to clean resin tools & accessories!
4. Temperature & Cure Time Of Resin
Cure time is affected by temperature.
Warmer temps accelerate cure time and colder temperatures slow down cure time.
The ideal room temperature for mixing ArtResin epoxy resin is between 75 and 85 degrees F or 24 - 30 degrees C.
If it’s colder than that, the resin will be thicker and harder to mix, will have more bubbles and will take longer to cure until it’s dry to the touch.
We have a couple of space heaters at ArtResin HQ and we turn them
them on the day before we plan on resining to ensure the room, and the resin, is warm enough.
What is the perfect temperature to cure resin?
5. Mixing Resin Brands
Don't replace the ArtResin resin or hardener with another brand of resin or hardener
thinking it will be the same. Every paired resin and hardener within a brand's kit
work together as a system and cannot be reliably interchanged.
Don’t learn the hard way :)
Follow our simple how-to instructions, measure and mix properly, and you’ll have no difficulty using and applying ArtResin to your project!
How do I fix soft, sticky areas that didn't cure properly?
Don't worry - all is not lost.
Resin that remains sticky days after being poured will stay sticky indefinitely unless the following measures are taken to fix the situation.
1. Scrape
You’ll have to scrape off the wet material as best you can and discard.
( Don’t worry - your artwork underneath will not be disturbed. )
Be sure all the liquidy resin is removed ( tacky is ok ) because if you pour fresh resin on top, the liquid could eventually leak out from under the new resin coat.
2. Fill
If after scraping, you're left with a deep divot or crater, patch in some new
thoroughly mixed resin just in that spot.
3. Sand
Next, lightly sand the entire piece (including the cured patch, if you needed a patch)
Be sure to wipe the entire surface to remove any dust from sanding. The sanding provides some tooth to the first coat so the second layer will adhere properly.
Don’t be scared if it looks like a mess at this point - when you pour the second layer, it will look great!
Read how to sand between coats.
4. Pour A Second Coat of Epoxy Resin
Obviously you need to wait until the first layer and patch are 100% cured before adding more resin on top.
Read how to pour a second coat of epoxy resin.
Watch Dave's video on applying a second coat of ArtResin:
Do you want to learn more about troubleshooting epoxy resin? Read our guides below:
- ArtResin’s Troubleshooting Guide
- Tips To Prevent Bubbles
- Can I Fix Small Imperfections In My Resin?
- Is It Possible To Overstir My ArtResin?
- How Do I Remove Epoxy Resin Drips?
- Is It Possible To Over Torch My ArtResin?
- Epoxy Resin Non Hardening
- How To Prevent Bendy Resin
- How To Fix Soft, Sticky Spots In My Resin
- How Can I Avoid Getting Dimples In My Epoxy Resin?
- How To Reduce Dust Before You Resin
- How Can I Get Rid Of Bubbles In My Cured Resin?
- How Can I Fix Dust In My Epoxy Resin?
- How Can I Deal With Epoxy Resin Drips After They've Dried?
- What Happens If I Overtorch Resin?
- Why Does My Resin Look Milky?
- Why Is My Resin Bendy?
- Why Are There Bare Spots In My Cured Resin?
- What Does Silicone Do To Resin?
ArtResin: The Original Epoxy For Resin Art.