How To Reduce Dust Before You Resin

We all know that dust is public enemy #1 when it comes to resin art ...
but did you know your AC and a spray bottle can be some of your best tools to help protect your artwork from dust in the air?

It's true!
Featured Artist Alexis Puleio shares her favourite dust-zapping tips ⚡️

First, Alexis turns off her AC in order to reduce blowing air and dust.
Depending on where you live or the time of year, this could also mean turning off your furnace ( and if this isn't possible, closing the vents in your resin room would definitely help! )
Next, she mists the air with a spray bottle - this helps to grab any dust particles floating in the air and pulls them down to the floor, thereby reducing the chance of airborne dust falling into your freshly resined piece.

Dave has a few tips up his sleeve as well to reduce dust ....

While he is also a fan of the spray bottle, he explains how the best tool to protect your wet resined artwork while it dries is a good, solid cover!

Do YOU have a resin tip you'd love to share with the world? Leave them in the comments below... you could be featured on an upcoming episode of Video Friday!!

Do you want to learn more about troubleshooting epoxy resin? Read our guides below:


ArtResin:  Made For Artists, By Artists.

About the author: Joanne Wright

I'm Joanne, the Marketing Content Writer at ArtResin. Originally from Canada, my home is now Indianapolis, Indiana. My love of all things creative and my entrepreneurial heart means I’ve worn many hats over the years including fashion producer & stylist, retail store owner, t-shirt designer, and even vegan baker! I...