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Why Are There Bare Spots In My Cured Resin?

Bare spots, voids, fish eyes, divots, pinholes, separations ... no matter what you call them, it's frustrating when your perfect resin pour cures with areas that just didn't take. I've been there too, so in this article, I'm going over the top 5 most common reasons behind epoxy resin bare spots. I'l... see more

Why Is My Resin Cloudy? Discover 6 Causes of Cloudy Resin

If you've ever found yourself with cloudy resin and you're not sure what caused it, this blog is for you. Cloudiness can occur in both in liquid and cured resin, but the good news is that there's usually a clear explanation behind it. In this article, I'm going to explore 6 common reasons why resi... see more

How Does Moisture Affect Epoxy Resin?

What does moisture do to epoxy resin? Fully cured epoxy resin is completely waterproof, it's true. However, if moisture gets mixed in while epoxy resin is still in its liquid state, it can interfere with the curing process and cause several issues: Cloudy Appearance: Moisture can cause the resin ... see more

Does ArtResin Have A Coupon Code?

Does ArtResin offer discounts, coupons or Black Friday sales? No, ArtResin does not offer coupons or Black Friday discounts. To learn why, please read on...    Does ArtResin ever go on sale? We are proud that ArtResin is the safest, highest quality epoxy resin on the market. We've never been will... see more

Should I Seal My Artwork Before I Resin?

Do you need to use a sealant before you resin? In most cases, no, you don't need to use a sealant before applying ArtResin; however, there are some situations when sealing first makes sense. The most common are: Sealing to prevent resin from absorbing into your project. Sealing over materials to ... see more

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