Does where you're from or where you currently live influence your work?
Absolutely! I live on the coast and so water is an everyday part of my life and influence.
What's your art background?
I am self-taught and have no formal education in art. I got my BS in Psychology from College of Charleston.
Are you a full time artist or do you create around work hours?
I am a full-time artist (that is part-time lol. I still have littles at home! By school pick-up I wrap up for the day!)
What do you love about the mediums that you use?
I love that my medium of choice resembles water so closely, allowing for light refraction just like water itself. It's miraculous really.
When did you discover resin? How has it impacted your artwork?
2 years ago! Resin is the KEY to my artwork. Without it, I would not be where I am or making what I am making.
Can you provide a brief rundown of your process?
I begin with a handmade sculpture of water. I then mould my sculpture and finally cast it using resin!
Why do you want to make art? What motivates you to create?
I want to make art because it is within me! It's hard to describe but it's something I MUST do. I attribute it to God.
Does art help you in other areas of your life?
Absolutely. Because of art I am a very fulfilled person. This brings joy into so many areas, mainly motherhood.
What do you hope someone sees or feels when they look at your art?
Peace. And also child-like joy! The water makes me feel these things.
How do you define success as an artist? What does success look and feel like for you?
Success for me means I have tapped into a part of others that makes them come alive. So often I hear people tell me they weren't art people before they found my work. That is true success to me. Convincing people to your point of view without forcing, but through creating.
Where do you sell your work?
Exclusively on my website!
Congratulations on your win, Amy!
Every month, to celebrate our community of artists, ArtResin will send out a 32 oz kit to two lucky people who have tagged us on Instagram, showing the work they've created with ArtResin.

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ArtResin: Made For Artists, By Artists.