Dave Zak

Hi, I'm Dave, a Canadian-based entrepreneur. I was born an artist and I love to tinker and create things. After studying art and working in marketing, I founded ArtResin in 2008. I found myself frustrated with the toxic and yellowing resin products that were giving me headaches and ruining my artwork. At that time, a better option simply wasn't available, but I knew there must be other artists who wanted a safe resin too. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands: I partnered with some smart Texas chemists and we worked together to develop a specialized epoxy resin formula specifically for artwork. Today, I get to work alongside my wife, Rebecca, who shares my artistic and entrepreneurial drive. Together, we balance the challenges and creative freedom that come with running a business.

Outside of work, I practice Jiu Jitsu, a sport that teaches me resilience and strategic thinking. I love making videos, playing music, creating art, and working hard. With my son and daughter as my motivation, I'm always looking for new ideas and opportunities to make a positive impact.


Articles by Dave Zak